collaboration and co-creation
this is a relationship
not a transaction
are you ready to begin?
I always start a project with this intent in mind - I want you to love it. When we are done I want you to feel good about sharing it with family, friends, customers, colleagues. And, I really want it to Feel Like You.
Yes, yes, in the end the website is really for your customers, but I have witnessed more than once someone seeing their website for the first time and being truly stunned by what we have created. All of a sudden, they sit up a little straighter, walk a little taller. This is what a website (a well-organized set of visuals and messages) that really reflects who you are can do.
But I can't make a great reflection of you all by myself. It is, after all, about you, your project or business, your audience and customers. So over the years I've developed a very collaborative process that includes you and I creating together.
Meet & Greet :: This is always the place to start ::
We do a call. These usually last about 60 minutes. This is enough time to talk and see what you need and what I can do to help. This business is personal and it is important we have a strong connection.
Once we meet and talk, I will have an idea of what you are looking for and different ways I can help. We will wrap up the call with some next steps which will likely include me writing up a proposal for your project.
What comes after the website?
I would love to be able to tell you that by doing a website all of your dreams (and financial goals) will come true. But the truth is a website is only the beginning. But if you are just starting out, it is a great beginning!
If you have an established business then you know your website is only one piece of a larger marketing strategy. What is your larger strategy?
This is where the real questions start to come up - how will your reach your customers? Are you going to spend your time building a presence on social media? What will that look like for you? What is the right next step?
I do continue to work with select clients after the website launch in a variety of capacities. Once we launch your site we can talk about what might be possible. I can become your one-woman creative agency, helping you with print design, email and newsletters, and business strategy.
But right now, the question is - are you ready to begin?
There is a line from one of my favorite movies Shawshank Redemption that seems apt here:
“…if you’ve come this far, maybe you’re willing to come a little further.”
I can help. I really can.
I have visited many websites and have gotten as far as you have now, have seen little bits of myself and wondered if the person could really help, but then I’ve stopped short of getting in touch. I’m hoping you will come a little further and reach out.